Gibon 推出全新 Falcon 20 1x12 組合擴大機。它向 Gibson 作為世界上首批電吉他擴大器製造商之一的傳奇歷史致敬。 Falcon 20 復活了 Gibson 音箱並提供復古音調,並透過升級的渲染重新構想,使其擁有寶貴的新功能和所有原始魔力。
這款全新設計受到 20 世紀 60 年代 Gibson Falcon 擴大器的啟發,由著名擴大機先驅 Randall Smith 和 MESA/Boogie 設計團隊在加州 Petaluma 手工製作,樹立了低功率音調的新標準。 Falcon 20 與其前代產品的區別在於,它採用了 Randall 五十年的電子管放大器設計經驗和性能推動理念,所挖掘出的結構升級和音調改進,並帶來了令人驚嘆的效果。
Falcon 20 具有單頻道的簡易性,著重出色的音質和易用性。極其簡單、純淨的訊號路徑設計具有由音量和音調組成的控制,另外還增加了可用腳踏切換的混響和顫音,這增加了維度和動感,並極大地提高了音箱在各種音樂風格中的享受和實用性。
專業的玩家都明白,獲得出色過載音色的秘訣是功率放大器過載,而低功率放大器是調高和實現功率放大器聲音而不會產生過大音量的關鍵。 Gibson Falcon 20 1x12 Combo 非常適合那些要求在增益和功率譜的低端到中端進行觸摸感應、細微響應,並且在打開時具有復古功率放大器過載的諧波豐富的混合的人。所有這些音調的魔力都透過 12 吋 Jensen Blackbird 40 Alnico 單體喇叭的復古聲音栩栩如生地呈現出來,它完美地補充了音量範圍和 A 類功率部分。
玩家可以選擇專利多瓦、6V6、純 A 類功率的全功率、半功率或低功率(12、5 或 1 瓦)模式,或使用可選的(選配) 6L6 功率管的 15、6 或 2 瓦功率模式,提供三個層次富有表現力的、復古的Gibson 音色和感覺。這種功率靈活性使得更多方式可以無縫且音樂性地過渡到剪輯,並使 Falcon 20 成為俱樂部演出、家庭練習和錄音目的的理想放大器。 Falcon 20 擁有現代的改進、高端的性能和精品的結構,甚至比最珍貴的 Gibson 古董吉他還要出色
- 加州 Petaluma手工製作
- 全電子管擴大機:2x 6V6 功率管(或選配 2x 6L6)/ 4x 12AX7 前級電子管
- 純A類電源
- 專利的多瓦功率,提供全功率(約 12 瓦)的電源選擇 - 2x 6V6 、A 類、五極管;一半功率(約 5 瓦) - 2x 6V6 ,A 類,三極管;或低功率(約 1 瓦) - 1x 6V6 單端、A 類、五極管(若選配 6L6 功率管,功率分別為約 15 瓦、6 瓦及 2 瓦)
單通道簡單性 - 通道功能:Normal & Low (Cleaner) Inputs, Volume, Tone, Reverb, Tremolo Depth & Frequency Controls
- Footswitchable, All-Tube Spring Reverb
- Footswitchable, All-Tube Tremolo
- Monitor (Slave) DI Output – Fixed Attenuated from the Speaker Output
- 拋光不銹鋼控制面板
- 鋁製底盤
- 內含 2 個按鈕的腳踏開關
- 內含防塵蓋
- 12 吋 Jensen Blackbird 40 Alnico 單體喇叭
Quick Overview:
Selectable Full, Half or Low Multi-Watt Power Modes, producing approximately 12, 5, or 1-Watt(s) of output power (approx. 15, 6, or 2-Watts with optional 6L6 Power Tubes)
Channels & Modes
1 Channel / 2 Modes (Normal or Low)
Normal & Low Inputs - NORMAL = Clean to Overdrive, LOW = Cleaner
Mode Voicings styles
Single Channel with two Inputs: Normal Input = Clean to Overdrive Low Input = Cleaner
Graphic Eq Reverb Fx Solo
Reverb, Tremolo
Foot switchable Functions
Reverb On/Off, Tremolo On/Off (2-Button Vintage Style Footswitch Included)
Speakers Impedance
1 - 12" 8 Ohm Jensen Blackbird ALNICO 40 / Total Load = 8 Ohms
31 lbs.
17.5” (44.45 cm) H x 20” (50.8 cm) W x 8 7/8” (22.54 cm) D (Height measurement includes rubber feet and the top of the handle in its flat position)
Amp Features:
Amp Type
Rectifier Type
Silicon Diodes
Preamp Tubes
4x 12AX7
Power Amp Tubes
2x 6V6 (or optional 2x 6L6)
Maintenance Free Fixed Bias
Cathode Biased, which is also Maintenance Free
Wattages Quick Reference
Full (approximately 12 watts) Half (approx. 5 watts) or Low Power (approx. 1 watt) with Stock 6V6 Power Tubes (Approx. 15 watts / 6 watts / 2 watts with optional 6L6 Power Tubes) - See Power Amp Details for more information
Built In Power Amp Attenuation
Power Amp Details Class Wattage
Patented Incremental Multi-Watt™ (Patent 9,917,560) Power Amp, featuring Duo-Class™ (Patent 7,173,488) power, provides three power and three wiring options via a single 3-Way Power Switch! Choose from the following power options: Full Power (12-Watts) - 2x6V6 (or 15-Watts w/6L6) Push-Pull, Class A, Pentode Half Power (5-Watts) - 2x6V6 (or 6-Watts w/6L6) Push-Pull, Class A, Triode Low Power (1-Watt) - 1x6V6 (or 2-Watts w/6L6) Single-Ended, Class A, Pentode
Channel Controls
Volume, Tone, Reverb, Tremolo Depth & Frequency Controls
Reverb Effects Bypass Options
Footswitchable, All-Tube, Spring Reverb & Tremolo
Speaker Outputs
One 8 Ohm and Two 4 Ohm
Slave Output
Yes - Fixed-Attenuated "MONITOR" Output from the Speaker Output
Included - 2-Button Vintage Style (Reverb On/Off, Tremolo On/Off)
Slip Cover
Included - Fitted Slipcover
Cabinet Features
Cabinet Material
Marine Grade, Baltic Birch
Standard Finish Options (no extra cost)
Surf Bronco Vinyl with Bone Grille
Speakers Impedance
1 - 8 Ohm Jensen Blackbird ALNICO 40 / Total Load = 8 Ohms
Extra Features
Vintage-Inspired Construction for Tone & Portability